class gwcs.wcs.WCS(forward_transform=None, input_frame='detector', output_frame=None, name='')[source]

Bases: gwcs.api.GWCSAPIMixin

Basic WCS class.

forward_transform : Model or a list

The transform between input_frame and output_frame. A list of (frame, transform) tuples where frame is the starting frame and transform is the transform from this frame to the next one or output_frame. The last tuple is (transform, None), where None indicates the end of the pipeline.

input_frame : str, CoordinateFrame

A coordinates object or a string name.

output_frame : str, CoordinateFrame

A coordinates object or a string name.

name : str

a name for this WCS

Attributes Summary

available_framesList all frames in this WCS object.backward_transformReturn the total backward transform if available - from output to input coordinate system.bounding_boxReturn the range of acceptable values for each input axis.forward_transformReturn the total forward transform - from input to output coordinate frame.input_frameReturn the input coordinate frame.nameReturn the name for this WCS.output_frameReturn the output coordinate frame.pipelineReturn the pipeline structure.unitThe unit of the coordinates in the output coordinate system.

Methods Summary

__call__(*args, **kwargs)Executes the forward transform.footprint([bounding_box, center, axis_type])Return the footprint in world coordinates.get_transform(from_frame, to_frame)Return a transform between two coordinate frames.insert_transform(frame, transform[, after])Insert a transform before (default) or after a coordinate frame.invert(*args, **kwargs)Invert coordinates.set_transform(from_frame, to_frame, transform)Set/replace the transform between two coordinate frames.transform(from_frame, to_frame, *args, **kwargs)Transform positions between two frames.

Attributes Documentation


List all frames in this WCS object.

available_frames : dict

{frame_name: frame_object or None}


Return the total backward transform if available - from output to input coordinate system.

NotImplementedError :

An analytical inverse does not exist.


Return the range of acceptable values for each input axis. The order of the axes is axes_order.


Return the total forward transform - from input to output coordinate frame.


Return the input coordinate frame.


Return the name for this WCS.


Return the output coordinate frame.


Return the pipeline structure.


The unit of the coordinates in the output coordinate system.

Methods Documentation

__call__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Executes the forward transform.

args : float or array-like
Inputs in the input coordinate system, separate inputs for each dimension.
with_units : bool
If True returns a SkyCoord or Quantity object, by using the units of the output cooridnate frame. Optional, default=False.
with_bounding_box : bool, optional
If True(default) values in the result which correspond to any of the inputs being outside the bounding_box are set to fill_value.
fill_value : float, optional
Output value for inputs outside the bounding_box (default is np.nan).
footprint(bounding_box=None, center=False, axis_type='all')[source]

Return the footprint in world coordinates.

bounding_box : tuple of floats: (start, stop)

prop: bounding_box

center : bool

If True use the center of the pixel, otherwise use the corner.

axis_type : str

A supported output_frame.axes_type or “all” (default). One of [‘spatial’, ‘spectral’, ‘temporal’] or a custom type.

coord : ndarray

Array of coordinates in the output_frame mapping corners to the output frame. For spatial coordinates the order is clockwise, starting from the bottom left corner.

get_transform(from_frame, to_frame)[source]

Return a transform between two coordinate frames.

from_frame : str or CoordinateFrame

Initial coordinate frame name of object.

to_frame : str, or instance of CoordinateFrame

End coordinate frame name or object.

transform : Model

Transform between two frames.

insert_transform(frame, transform, after=False)[source]

Insert a transform before (default) or after a coordinate frame.

Append (or prepend) a transform to the transform connected to frame.

frame : str or CoordinateFrame

Coordinate frame which sets the point of insertion.

transform : Model

New transform to be inserted in the pipeline

after : bool

If True, the new transform is inserted in the pipeline immediately after frame.

invert(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Invert coordinates.

The analytical inverse of the forward transform is used, if available. If not an iterative method is used.

args : float, array like, SkyCoord or Unit

coordinates to be inverted

kwargs : dict

keyword arguments to be passed to the iterative invert method.

with_bounding_box : bool, optional

If True(default) values in the result which correspond to any of the inputs being outside the bounding_box are set to fill_value.

fill_value : float, optional

Output value for inputs outside the bounding_box (default is np.nan).

set_transform(from_frame, to_frame, transform)[source]

Set/replace the transform between two coordinate frames.

from_frame : str or CoordinateFrame

Initial coordinate frame.

to_frame : str, or instance of CoordinateFrame

End coordinate frame.

transform : Model

Transform between from_frame and to_frame.

transform(from_frame, to_frame, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Transform positions between two frames.

from_frame : str or CoordinateFrame

Initial coordinate frame.

to_frame : str, or instance of CoordinateFrame

Coordinate frame into which to transform.

args : float or array-like

Inputs in from_frame, separate inputs for each dimension.

output_with_units : bool

If True - returns a SkyCoord or Quantity object.

with_bounding_box : bool, optional

If True(default) values in the result which correspond to any of the inputs being outside the bounding_box are set to fill_value.

fill_value : float, optional

Output value for inputs outside the bounding_box (default is np.nan).