
class gwcs.geometry.SphericalToCartesian(wrap_lon_at=360, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: astropy.modeling.Model

Convert spherical coordinates on a unit sphere to cartesian coordinates. Spherical coordinates when not provided as Quantity are assumed to be in degrees with lon being the longitude (or azimuthal) angle [0, 360) (or [-180, 180)) and angle lat is the latitude (or elevation angle) in range [-90, 90].

wrap_lon_at{360, 180}, optional

An integer number that specifies the range of the longitude (azimuthal) angle. When wrap_lon_at is 180, the longitude angle will have a range of [-180, 180) and when wrap_lon_at is 360 (default), the longitude angle will have a range of [0, 360).

Attributes Summary


This property is used to indicate what units or sets of units the evaluate method expects, and returns a dictionary mapping inputs to units (or None if any units are accepted).


The number of inputs.


The number of outputs.


An integer number that specifies the range of the longitude (azimuthal) angle.

Methods Summary

__call__(*inputs[, model_set_axis, ...])

Evaluate this model using the given input(s) and the parameter values that were specified when the model was instantiated.

evaluate(lon, lat)

Evaluate the model on some input variables.

Attributes Documentation

n_inputs = 2

The number of inputs.

n_outputs = 3

The number of outputs.


An integer number that specifies the range of the longitude (azimuthal) angle.

Allowed values are 180 and 360. When wrap_lon_at is 180, the longitude angle will have a range of [-180, 180) and when wrap_lon_at is 360 (default), the longitude angle will have a range of [0, 360).

Methods Documentation

__call__(*inputs, model_set_axis=None, with_bounding_box=False, fill_value=nan, equivalencies=None, inputs_map=None, **new_inputs)

Evaluate this model using the given input(s) and the parameter values that were specified when the model was instantiated.

evaluate(lon, lat)[source]

Evaluate the model on some input variables.