Source code for gwcs.wcstools

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
import functools
import warnings
import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling.core import Model
from astropy.modeling import projections
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting
from astropy import coordinates as coord
from astropy import units as u

from .wcs import WCS
from .coordinate_frames import * # noqa
from .utils import UnsupportedTransformError, UnsupportedProjectionError
from .utils import _compute_lon_pole

__all__ = ['wcs_from_fiducial', 'grid_from_bounding_box', 'wcs_from_points']

[docs]def wcs_from_fiducial(fiducial, coordinate_frame=None, projection=None, transform=None, name='', bounding_box=None): """ Create a WCS object from a fiducial point in a coordinate frame. If an additional transform is supplied it is prepended to the projection. Parameters ---------- fiducial : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` or tuple of float One of: A location on the sky in some standard coordinate system. A Quantity with spectral units. A list of the above. coordinate_frame : ~gwcs.coordinate_frames.CoordinateFrame` The output coordinate frame. If fiducial is not an instance of `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, ``coordinate_frame`` is required. projection : `~astropy.modeling.projections.Projection` Projection instance - required if there is a celestial component in the fiducial. transform : `~astropy.modeling.Model` (optional) An optional tranform to be prepended to the transform constructed by the fiducial point. The number of outputs of this transform must equal the number of axes in the coordinate frame. name : str Name of this WCS. bounding_box : tuple Domain of this WCS. The format is a list of dictionaries for each axis in the input frame [{'lower': float, 'upper': float, 'includes_lower': bool, 'includes_upper': bool, 'step': float}] """ if transform is not None: if not isinstance(transform, Model): raise UnsupportedTransformError("Expected transform to be an instance" "of astropy.modeling.Model") # transform_outputs = transform.n_outputs if isinstance(fiducial, coord.SkyCoord): coordinate_frame = CelestialFrame(reference_frame=fiducial.frame, unit=(fiducial.spherical.lon.unit, fiducial_transform = _sky_transform(fiducial, projection) elif isinstance(coordinate_frame, CompositeFrame): trans_from_fiducial = [] for item in coordinate_frame.frames: ind = coordinate_frame.frames.index(item) try: model = frame2transform[item.__class__](fiducial[ind], projection=projection) except KeyError: raise TypeError("Coordinate frame {0} is not supported".format(item)) trans_from_fiducial.append(model) fiducial_transform = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, [tr for tr in trans_from_fiducial]) else: # The case of one coordinate frame with more than 1 axes. try: fiducial_transform = frame2transform[coordinate_frame.__class__](fiducial, projection=projection) except KeyError: raise TypeError("Coordinate frame {0} is not supported".format(coordinate_frame)) if transform is not None: forward_transform = transform | fiducial_transform else: forward_transform = fiducial_transform if bounding_box is not None: if len(bounding_box) != forward_transform.n_outputs: raise ValueError("Expected the number of items in 'bounding_box' to be equal to the " "number of outputs of the forawrd transform.") forward_transform.bounding_box = bounding_box[::-1] return WCS(output_frame=coordinate_frame, forward_transform=forward_transform, name=name)
def _verify_projection(projection): if projection is None: raise ValueError("Celestial coordinate frame requires a projection to be specified.") if not isinstance(projection, projections.Projection): raise UnsupportedProjectionError(projection) def _sky_transform(skycoord, projection): """ A sky transform is a projection, followed by a rotation on the sky. """ _verify_projection(projection) lon_pole = _compute_lon_pole(skycoord, projection) if isinstance(skycoord, coord.SkyCoord): lon, lat = skycoord.spherical.lon, else: lon, lat = skycoord sky_rotation = models.RotateNative2Celestial(lon, lat, lon_pole) return projection | sky_rotation def _spectral_transform(fiducial, **kwargs): """ A spectral transform is a shift by the fiducial. """ return models.Shift(fiducial) def _frame2D_transform(fiducial, **kwargs): fiducial_transform = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x & y, [models.Shift(val) for val in fiducial]) return fiducial_transform frame2transform = {CelestialFrame: _sky_transform, SpectralFrame: _spectral_transform, Frame2D: _frame2D_transform }
[docs]def grid_from_bounding_box(bounding_box, step=1, center=True): """ Create a grid of input points from the WCS bounding_box. Note: If ``bbox`` is a tuple describing the range of an axis in ``bounding_box``, ``x.5`` is considered part of the next pixel in ``bbox[0]`` and part of the previous pixel in ``bbox[1]``. In this way if ``bbox`` describes the edges of an image the indexing includes only pixels within the image. Parameters ---------- bounding_box : tuple The bounding_box of a WCS object, `~gwcs.wcs.WCS.bounding_box`. step : scalar or tuple Step size for grid in each dimension. Scalar applies to all dimensions. center : bool The bounding_box is in order of X, Y [, Z] and the output will be in the same order. Examples -------- >>> bb = ((-1, 2.9), (6, 7.5)) >>> grid_from_bounding_box(bb, step=(1, .5), center=False) array([[[-1. , 0. , 1. , 2. , 3. ], [-1. , 0. , 1. , 2. , 3. ], [-1. , 0. , 1. , 2. , 3. ], [-1. , 0. , 1. , 2. , 3. ]], [[ 6. , 6. , 6. , 6. , 6. ], [ 6.5, 6.5, 6.5, 6.5, 6.5], [ 7. , 7. , 7. , 7. , 7. ], [ 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5]]]) >>> bb = ((-1, 2.9), (6, 7.5)) >>> grid_from_bounding_box(bb) array([[[-1., 0., 1., 2., 3.], [-1., 0., 1., 2., 3.]], [[ 6., 6., 6., 6., 6.], [ 7., 7., 7., 7., 7.]]]) Returns ------- x, y [, z]: ndarray Grid of points. """ def _bbox_to_pixel(bbox): return (np.floor(bbox[0] + 0.5), np.ceil(bbox[1] - 0.5)) # 1D case if np.isscalar(bounding_box[0]): nd = 1 bounding_box = (bounding_box, ) else: nd = len(bounding_box) if center: bb = tuple([_bbox_to_pixel(bb) for bb in bounding_box]) else: bb = bounding_box step = np.atleast_1d(step) if nd > 1 and len(step) == 1: step = np.repeat(step, nd) if len(step) != len(bb): raise ValueError('`step` must be a scalar, or tuple with length ' 'matching `bounding_box`') slices = [] for d, s in zip(bb, step): slices.append(slice(d[0], d[1] + s, s)) grid = np.mgrid[slices[::-1]][::-1] if nd == 1: return grid[0] else: return grid
[docs]def wcs_from_points(xy, world_coordinates, fiducial, projection=projections.Sky2Pix_TAN(), degree=4, polynomial_type="polynomial"): """ Given two matching sets of coordinates on detector and sky, compute the WCS. Notes ----- This function implements the following algorithm: ``world_coordinates`` are transformed to a projection plane using the specified projection. A polynomial fits ``xy`` and the projected coordinates. The fitted polynomials and the projection transforms are combined into a tranform from detector to sky. The input coordinate frame is set to ``detector``. The output coordinate frame is initialized based on the frame in the fiducial. Parameters ---------- xy : tuple of 2 ndarrays Points in the input cooridnate frame - x, y inputs. world_coordinates : tuple of 2 ndarrays Points in the output coordinate frame. The order matches the order of ``xy``. fiducial_point : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` A fiducial point in the output coordinate frame. projection : `~astropy.modeling.projections.Projection` A projection type. One of the projections in `~astropy.modeling.projections.projcode`. degree : int Degree of Polynpomial model to be fit to data. polynomial_type : str one of "polynomial", "chebyshev", "legendre" Returns ------- wcsobj : `~gwcs.wcs.WCS` a WCS object for this observation. """ supported_poly_types = {"polynomial": models.Polynomial2D, "chebyshev": models.Chebyshev2D, "legendre": models.Legendre2D } x, y = xy lon, lat = world_coordinates if not isinstance(projection, projections.Projection): raise UnsupportedProjectionError("Unsupported projection code {0}".format(projection)) if polynomial_type not in supported_poly_types.keys(): raise ValueError("Unsupported polynomial_type: {}. " "Only one of {} is supported.".format(polynomial_type, supported_poly_types.keys())) skyrot = models.RotateCelestial2Native(,, 180*u.deg) trans = (skyrot | projection) projection_x, projection_y = trans(lon, lat) poly = supported_poly_types[polynomial_type](degree) fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") poly_x = fitter(poly, x, y, projection_x) poly_y = fitter(poly, x, y, projection_y) transform = models.Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | poly_x & poly_y | projection.inverse | skyrot.inverse skyframe = CelestialFrame(reference_frame=fiducial.frame) detector = Frame2D(name="detector") pipeline = [(detector, transform), (skyframe, None) ] return WCS(pipeline)