Source code for gwcs.coordinate_frames

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Defines coordinate frames and ties them to data axes.
import numpy as np

from astropy.utils.misc import isiterable
import astropy.time
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import utils as astutil
from astropy import coordinates as coord
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi.low_level_api import (validate_physical_types,

__all__ = ['Frame2D', 'CelestialFrame', 'SpectralFrame', 'CompositeFrame',
           'CoordinateFrame', 'TemporalFrame']

STANDARD_REFERENCE_FRAMES = [frame.upper() for frame in coord.builtin_frames.__all__]

                               "TOPOCENTER", "LSR", "LSRK", "LSRD",
                               "GALACTIC_CENTER", "LOCAL_GROUP_CENTER"]

[docs]class CoordinateFrame: """ Base class for Coordinate Frames. Parameters ---------- naxes : int Number of axes. axes_type : str One of ["SPATIAL", "SPECTRAL", "TIME"] axes_order : tuple of int A dimension in the input data that corresponds to this axis. reference_frame : astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames Reference frame (usually used with output_frame to convert to world coordinate objects). reference_position : str Reference position - one of `STANDARD_REFERENCE_POSITION` unit : list of astropy.units.Unit Unit for each axis. axes_names : list Names of the axes in this frame. name : str Name of this frame. """ def __init__(self, naxes, axes_type, axes_order, reference_frame=None, reference_position=None, unit=None, axes_names=None, name=None, axis_physical_types=None): self._naxes = naxes self._axes_order = tuple(axes_order) if isinstance(axes_type, str): self._axes_type = (axes_type,) else: self._axes_type = tuple(axes_type) self._reference_frame = reference_frame if unit is not None: if astutil.isiterable(unit): unit = tuple(unit) else: unit = (unit,) if len(unit) != naxes: raise ValueError("Number of units does not match number of axes.") else: self._unit = tuple([u.Unit(au) for au in unit]) else: self._unit = tuple("" for na in range(naxes)) if axes_names is not None: if isinstance(axes_names, str): axes_names = (axes_names,) else: axes_names = tuple(axes_names) if len(axes_names) != naxes: raise ValueError("Number of axes names does not match number of axes.") else: axes_names = tuple([""] * naxes) self._axes_names = axes_names if name is None: self._name = self.__class__.__name__ else: self._name = name self._reference_position = reference_position if len(self._axes_type) != naxes: raise ValueError("Length of axes_type does not match number of axes.") if len(self._axes_order) != naxes: raise ValueError("Length of axes_order does not match number of axes.") super(CoordinateFrame, self).__init__() self._axis_physical_types = self._set_axis_physical_types(axis_physical_types) def _set_axis_physical_types(self, pht=None): """ Set the physical type of the coordinate axes using VO UCD1+ v1.23 definitions. """ if pht is not None: if isinstance(pht, str): pht = (pht,) elif not isiterable(pht): raise TypeError("axis_physical_types must be of type string or iterable of strings") if len(pht) != self.naxes: raise ValueError('"axis_physical_types" must be of length {}'.format(self.naxes)) ph_type = [] for axt in pht: if axt not in VALID_UCDS and not axt.startswith("custom:"): ph_type.append("custom:{}".format(axt)) else: ph_type.append(axt) validate_physical_types(ph_type) return tuple(ph_type) if isinstance(self, CelestialFrame): if isinstance(self.reference_frame, coord.Galactic): ph_type = "pos.galactic.lon", "" elif isinstance(self.reference_frame, (coord.GeocentricTrueEcliptic, coord.GCRS, coord.PrecessedGeocentric)): ph_type = "pos.bodyrc.lon", "" elif isinstance(self.reference_frame, coord.builtin_frames.BaseRADecFrame): ph_type = "pos.eq.ra", "pos.eq.dec" elif isinstance(self.reference_frame, coord.builtin_frames.BaseEclipticFrame): ph_type = "pos.ecliptic.lon", "" else: ph_type = tuple("custom:{}".format(t) for t in self.axes_names) elif isinstance(self, SpectralFrame): if self.unit[0].physical_type == "frequency": ph_type = ("em.freq",) elif self.unit[0].physical_type == "length": ph_type = ("em.wl",) elif isinstance(self, TemporalFrame): ph_type = ("time",) elif isinstance(self, Frame2D): if all(self.axes_names): ph_type = self.axes_names else: ph_type = self.axes_type ph_type = tuple("custom:{}".format(t) for t in ph_type) else: ph_type = tuple("custom:{}".format(t) for t in self.axes_type) validate_physical_types(ph_type) return ph_type def __repr__(self): fmt = '<{0}(name="{1}", unit={2}, axes_names={3}, axes_order={4}'.format( self.__class__.__name__,, self.unit, self.axes_names, self.axes_order) if self.reference_position is not None: fmt += ', reference_position="{0}"'.format(self.reference_position) if self.reference_frame is not None: fmt += ", reference_frame={0}".format(self.reference_frame) fmt += ")>" return fmt def __str__(self): if self._name is not None: return self._name else: return self.__class__.__name__ @property def name(self): """ A custom name of this frame.""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, val): """ A custom name of this frame.""" self._name = val @property def naxes(self): """ The number of axes in this frame.""" return self._naxes @property def unit(self): """The unit of this frame.""" return self._unit @property def axes_names(self): """ Names of axes in the frame.""" return self._axes_names @property def axes_order(self): """ A tuple of indices which map inputs to axes.""" return self._axes_order @property def reference_frame(self): """ Reference frame, used to convert to world coordinate objects. """ return self._reference_frame @property def reference_position(self): """ Reference Position. """ return getattr(self, "_reference_position", None) @property def axes_type(self): """ Type of this frame : 'SPATIAL', 'SPECTRAL', 'TIME'. """ return self._axes_type
[docs] def coordinates(self, *args): """ Create world coordinates object""" args = [args[i] for i in self.axes_order] coo = tuple([arg * un if not hasattr(arg, "to") else for arg, un in zip(args, self.unit)]) return coo
[docs] def coordinate_to_quantity(self, *coords): """ Given a rich coordinate object return an astropy quantity object. """ # NoOp leaves it to the model to handle return coords
@property def axis_physical_types(self): return self._axis_physical_types
[docs]class CelestialFrame(CoordinateFrame): """ Celestial Frame Representation Parameters ---------- axes_order : tuple of int A dimension in the input data that corresponds to this axis. reference_frame : astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames A reference frame. unit : str or units.Unit instance or iterable of those Units on axes. axes_names : list Names of the axes in this frame. name : str Name of this frame. """ def __init__(self, axes_order=None, reference_frame=None, unit=None, axes_names=None, name=None, axis_physical_types=None): naxes = 2 if reference_frame is not None: if not isinstance(reference_frame, str): if in STANDARD_REFERENCE_FRAMES: _axes_names = list(reference_frame.representation_component_names.values()) if 'distance' in _axes_names: _axes_names.remove('distance') if axes_names is None: axes_names = _axes_names naxes = len(_axes_names) _unit = list(reference_frame.representation_component_units.values()) if unit is None and _unit: unit = _unit if axes_order is None: axes_order = tuple(range(naxes)) if unit is None: unit = tuple([] * naxes) axes_type = ['SPATIAL'] * naxes super(CelestialFrame, self).__init__(naxes=naxes, axes_type=axes_type, axes_order=axes_order, reference_frame=reference_frame, unit=unit, axes_names=axes_names, name=name, axis_physical_types = axis_physical_types)
[docs] def coordinates(self, *args): """ Create a SkyCoord object. Parameters ---------- args : float inputs to wcs.input_frame """ if isinstance(args[0], coord.SkyCoord): return args[0].transform_to(self.reference_frame) else: return coord.SkyCoord(*args, unit=self.unit, frame=self.reference_frame)
[docs] def coordinate_to_quantity(self, *coords): if len(coords) == 2: arg = coords elif len(coords) == 1: arg = coords[0] else: raise ValueError("Unexpected number of coordinates in " "input to frame {} : " "expected 2, got {}".format(, len(coords))) if isinstance(arg, coord.SkyCoord): arg = arg.transform_to(self._reference_frame) try: lon = lat = except AttributeError: lon = arg.spherical.lon lat = return lon, lat elif all(isinstance(a, u.Quantity) for a in arg): return tuple(arg) else: raise ValueError("Could not convert input {} to lon and lat quantities.".format(arg))
[docs]class SpectralFrame(CoordinateFrame): """ Represents Spectral Frame Parameters ---------- axes_order : tuple or int A dimension in the input data that corresponds to this axis. reference_frame : astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames Reference frame (usually used with output_frame to convert to world coordinate objects). unit : str or units.Unit instance Spectral unit. axes_names : str Spectral axis name. name : str Name for this frame. reference_position : str Reference position - one of `STANDARD_REFERENCE_POSITION` """ def __init__(self, axes_order=(0,), reference_frame=None, unit=None, axes_names=None, name=None, axis_physical_types=None, reference_position=None): super(SpectralFrame, self).__init__(naxes=1, axes_type="SPECTRAL", axes_order=axes_order, axes_names=axes_names, reference_frame=reference_frame, unit=unit, name=name, reference_position=reference_position, axis_physical_types=axis_physical_types)
[docs] def coordinates(self, *args, equivalencies=[]): if hasattr(args[0], 'unit'): return args[0].to(self.unit[0], equivalencies=equivalencies) if np.isscalar(args): return args * self.unit[0] else: return args[0] * self.unit[0]
[docs] def coordinate_to_quantity(self, *coords): if hasattr(coords[0], 'unit'): return coords[0] else: return coords[0] * self.unit[0]
[docs]class TemporalFrame(CoordinateFrame): """ A coordinate frame for time axes. Parameters ---------- axes_order : tuple or int A dimension in the input data that corresponds to this axis. reference_frame : `object` The object to instantiate to represent the time coordinate. Defaults to `astropy.time.Time`. Use partial functions to customise the `~astropy.time.Time` instance. reference_time : `astropy.time.Time` or `None` Reference time, the time of the 0th coordinate. If none the values of the axis are assumed to be valid times. unit : str or units.Unit instance Spectral unit. axes_names : str Spectral axis name. name : str Name for this frame. """ def __init__(self, axes_order=(0,), reference_time=None, reference_frame=astropy.time.Time, unit=None, axes_names=None, name=None, axis_physical_types=None): super().__init__(naxes=1, axes_type="TIME", axes_order=axes_order, axes_names=axes_names, reference_frame=reference_frame, unit=unit, name=name, reference_position=reference_time, axis_physical_types=axis_physical_types)
[docs] def coordinates(self, *args): if np.isscalar(args): dt = args else: dt = args[0] if self.reference_position: if not hasattr(dt, 'unit'): dt = dt * self.unit[0] return self.reference_position + dt else: return self.reference_frame(dt)
[docs] def coordinate_to_quantity(self, *coords): if isinstance(coords[0], astropy.time.Time): if self.reference_position: return (coords[0] - self.reference_position).to(self.unit[0]) else: # If we can't convert to a quantity just drop the object out # and hope the transform can cope. return coords[0] # Is already a quantity elif hasattr(coords[0], 'unit'): return coords[0] else: raise ValueError("Can not convert {} to Quantity".format(coords[0]))
[docs]class CompositeFrame(CoordinateFrame): """ Represents one or more frames. Parameters ---------- frames : list List of frames (TemporalFrame, CelestialFrame, SpectralFrame, CoordinateFrame). name : str Name for this frame. """ def __init__(self, frames, name=None): self._frames = frames[:] naxes = sum([frame._naxes for frame in self._frames]) axes_type = list(range(naxes)) unit = list(range(naxes)) axes_names = list(range(naxes)) axes_order = [] ph_type = list(range(naxes)) for frame in frames: axes_order.extend(frame.axes_order) for frame in frames: for ind, axtype, un, n, pht in zip(frame.axes_order, frame.axes_type, frame.unit, frame.axes_names, frame.axis_physical_types): axes_type[ind] = axtype axes_names[ind] = n unit[ind] = un ph_type[ind] = pht if len(np.unique(axes_order)) != len(axes_order): raise ValueError("Incorrect numbering of axes, " "axes_order should contain unique numbers, " "got {}.".format(axes_order)) super(CompositeFrame, self).__init__(naxes, axes_type=axes_type, axes_order=axes_order, unit=unit, axes_names=axes_names, name=name) self._axis_physical_types = tuple(ph_type) @property def frames(self): return self._frames def __repr__(self): return repr(self.frames)
[docs] def coordinates(self, *args): coo = [] if len(args) == len(self.frames): for frame, arg in zip(self.frames, args): coo.append(frame.coordinates(arg)) else: for frame in self.frames: fargs = [args[i] for i in frame.axes_order] coo.append(frame.coordinates(*fargs)) return coo
[docs] def coordinate_to_quantity(self, *coords): if len(coords) == len(self.frames): args = coords elif len(coords) == self.naxes: args = [] for _frame in self.frames: if _frame.naxes > 1: # Collect the arguments for this frame based on axes_order args.append([coords[i] for i in _frame.axes_order]) else: args.append(coords[_frame.axes_order[0]]) else: raise ValueError("Incorrect number of arguments") qs = [] for _frame, arg in zip(self.frames, args): ret = _frame.coordinate_to_quantity(arg) if isinstance(ret, tuple): qs += list(ret) else: qs.append(ret) return qs
class StokesFrame(CoordinateFrame): """ A coordinate frame for representing stokes polarisation states Parameters ---------- name : str Name of this frame. """ def __init__(self, axes_order=(0,), name=None): self._stokes_components = ['I', 'Q', 'U', 'V'] super(StokesFrame, self).__init__(1, ["STOKES"], axes_order, name=name, axes_names=("stokes",), def coordinates(self, *args): if hasattr(args[0], 'value'): arg = args[0].value else: arg = args[0] return self._stokes_components[int(arg)] def coordinate_to_quantity(self, *coords): if isinstance(coords[0], str): if coords[0] in self._stokes_components: return self._stokes_components.index(coords[0]) * u.pix else: return coords[0]
[docs]class Frame2D(CoordinateFrame): """ A 2D coordinate frame. Parameters ---------- axes_order : tuple of int A dimension in the input data that corresponds to this axis. unit : list of astropy.units.Unit Unit for each axis. axes_names : list Names of the axes in this frame. name : str Name of this frame. """ def __init__(self, axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.pix, u.pix), axes_names=('x', 'y'), name=None, axis_physical_types=None): super(Frame2D, self).__init__(naxes=2, axes_type=["SPATIAL", "SPATIAL"], axes_order=axes_order, name=name, axes_names=axes_names, unit=unit, axis_physical_types=axis_physical_types)
[docs] def coordinates(self, *args): args = [args[i] for i in self.axes_order] coo = tuple([arg * un for arg, un in zip(args, self.unit)]) return coo
[docs] def coordinate_to_quantity(self, *coords): # list or tuple if len(coords) == 1 and astutil.isiterable(coords[0]): coords = list(coords[0]) elif len(coords) == 2: coords = list(coords) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected number of coordinates in " "input to frame {} : " "expected 2, got {}".format(, len(coords))) for i in range(2): if not hasattr(coords[i], 'unit'): coords[i] = coords[i] * self.unit[i] return tuple(coords)